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Wound Care
Modernizing Wound Care
Wound care is currently something that has been referred out by most practices. We have a better way. With our program, wound care becomes a fundamental revenue generating aspect of medical practices while promoting and encouraging patient well-being.
We are the consistent choice of practitioners looking for a complete solution that addresses their concerns for ease of use, billing and ordering from one touch point.
Our 60 day net billing helps reduce financial risk, something not previously available in most models.
We make the process as complete as it can be, we've made the software powerful yet simple, compliant, and secure and it is included in the program with no additional fees.
Provider Platform Offers Turnkey Solutions:
Insurance Verification
Ordering Platform
Multiple Manufacturers
Net 60 Terms​
Technological Treatment Support
​Tele-Consult Support
Billing Services
Denial Support
Provider Training and Support
Find out more by downloading the FAQ's or visiting the website with video FAQ's. You can also download our brochure with details.
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